Oh you don't know where that is?.. Exactly?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I am in Radersburg, MT and believe me, we are out in the middle of nowhere. To get cell phone service I have to stand in the road. :) The people were are with are precious though, they love us and are taking really good care of us. We pretty much have a 2 story house by ourselves. It's amazing.

God has blessed us with 5 kids in VBS and they are soo sweet. A little hyper, but cute. We are hoping that they get Tons out of the lessons this week. Pray for that.

Also 4 boys from yellowstone were involved in a car accident this past week. One of them is in critical condition. Please pray that God chooses to heal them and that they are ok front top to bottom.

My time in Montana is about up and I am getting a little sad about it. Pray that I have a great rest of my 2 weeks.

love and miss ya'll


No Cellphones. Spending time with God! :)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Well. I've been at camp all week and it was crazy, beautiful there. We were out in the middle of NOWHERE and it was absolutely an experience. I stayed in a cabin with 4 girls and another counselor. We had a great time. We laughed, stayed up late, and just had fun learning about Jesus. God definetely blessed us as summer missionaries because he gave us a week to get away from VBS for a little bit and to meet up with some of our other missionary friends. :)

We got to see amazing scenery and had fun with all the kidderos that came to camp. A few youth groups that we had worked with previously, so that was fun.

I haven't had internet for a week so I am catching up on time lost. haha. My time in Montana is coming to an end and I can say that I am just a little bit sad. I've made some awesome friends and had the time of my life but I am soo soo ready to see my mama, daddy, Adam, my Mom! I also can't wait to have sweet tea, cracker barrel, abners, my grandmother's creamed potatoes, Bellevue Baptist Church, Mi Pueblo, Thaxton Mississippi, and all those Friends that I have missed this summer! :) You know who you are. I also have an apartment to decorate so that is exciting as well.

I love doing missions work and I thank God that he gave me this opportunity to serve HIM this summer. :) I hope he chooses to call me to do his work forever, in whatever way that may be.

Love and miss you all! :)
This is me learning to play the guitar! :)


And The adventure continues...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Montana is getting more amazing and adventurous every week. This past week I was in Butte, Montana and I had a blast. I do believe it was my favorite week so far! :)

Look at what I got to live with for a week! :) They became my FAMILY!

This is Ethan, Owen, Priscilla, and Jonas!

We attempted to go rock climbing and all of that outdoorsy stuff, and had a blast trying. We were treated like family this week and they let us experience our southern chicken and all that goodness! We got to eat at the 1st Sonic opened in Montana tonight and it was heavenly. YES, I had Sweet tea! :)

We had an amazing week. Man! I got to babysit those precious kids and spend time with Mrs. Alisa, we went shopping without the kids. I think she had tons of fun, I did as well. She is an amazing MOM and she had the most patience of any mom I had ever seen. We also got some mexican food this week and man, Mississippi is blessed with our Mexican food. hint hint...

I hear that the McWhirter family is still having a very hard time so we need to continue to pray for them. I hate that so bad and I know that these next few months will be so hard! :(

I finally got our pictures from White water rafting. Thanks to Ben in England! :)

Here they are...

I have lots more!..

Montana has been simply amazing. I've only got 3 more weeks to make tons more memories. :)

Pray for us this week.. we have youth camp. To God be the Glory! :)


Butte, Montana. Singing, Lord, I was born a rambling Man..

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Those lyrics are from a Rascal Flatts Song.. We are in Butte, Montana and so far our day has been wonderful. We have had a great day and boy it has not been relaxing.
What a week we have had in Helena. Last week was a BIG challenge but praise the good Lord above we made it through. God knew what he was doing but we had to hand it over to him and put it in his hands.
I learned that when we have a problem talking about the person is not the answer. Giving the problem to God is... He can take care of anything. :)
This week we are all split up into different homes and I think that it is going to be a neat experience. We are so used to being a group that we are kind of excited to see what happens. I am staying with a family that has a 2 year old little girl, Priscilla, and a 8 month old, Owen! I am really excited to see how God works in this VBS!
Yesterday we got to go to Yellowstone, and boy I had a fun day. I took LoTs of pictures and I saw some neat animals. I loved it. We left at 5:30 AM and got home at 1:00 AM. Big long day.
We are doing VBS again this week and I am teaching the 1st and 2nd graders. Pray for us and pray that God provides exactly what those little boogers need to hear.
Peace! :)

A month has already gone by..

Monday, July 6, 2009

Well.. it has hit me that a month has gone by and I just can't believe it. Let me just tell you, I was nervous/excited/scared/ about this summer and worried about what would become of it. God sure does listen to every minute of our worries and he cares about every detail of our life.

He loves us no matter what, and he expects very little in return.

Today in VBS we learned about how Peter followed Jesus and we were talking about missionaries and we talked about how they give up something usually to follow Christ. I started thinking about this and about how I gave up a Summer Job, my family time, possibly a vacation, but yet GOD has blessed me with so much more this summer. He has given me patience when I needed it, new friends to love, and a peace about being away from home. I miss my family, and friends, NO DOUBT. :) But, I am blessed and grateful to be spending my summer in Montana!

God knows exactly what he has accomplished and I am proud to know that I may know what God is up to but he knows even the # of hairs on my head. I love the expression I get when I tell a little child that. :) Warms my heart.

This summer has been full of learning experiences and finding out things about other people. I am happy about working with kids ALL summer because it has shown me that I still want to pursue Elementary Education.

Snapshots of Memories...

Beautiful Sunset in Townsend!

My Attempt at a Heart. :)

You may be the only Bible anyone ever reads.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Today I realized that not all people have heard about Jesus and his Holy Bible. You would think that I would know this but it hit me hard today. We did a food drive around the community in Helena and we got some pretty neat responses. We would ask for food and then the people would either decline or accept and then we would offer them a Bible. Most people that I came in contact with either had a Bible already or just didn't want one.

Some people were rude, and some were just brutally honest and told us they didn't want one. It broke my heart to see people so unwilling to even take a New Testament and try it out. God will bless that though and I pray that one day the book is read and if they are not saved, that a change as great as God would happen in their lives. I once heard a quote that said, "You may be the only Bible anyone ever reads". As scary as that is I firmly believe that God can do great things through me, and I hope that because we gave our time today for him that he will do just that, BLESS! :)

Pray for the people in Montana. Some people yelled at us to go away, and some people took us in a talked for 20 minutes. One lady was precious and I know that she is a fellow believer and she just wanted somebody to talk to. One man was glad to get a Bible and then proceded to show to me that he had no clue what a Bible was. I told him that it was God's word and he said that he would love to keep it. I felt so great being able to tell him that it was all his and he could have it for FREE! :) I am so glad that God allowed me to do this and show me that I am so blessed to live in the Bible belt with a family that loves hIm!

My cousin Craig is having some interviews for a job this coming week so please be in prayer for him. If something doesn't happen he may have to move away from us and we surely don't want that to happen.

Today we slept late and went to Gates of the Mountains, which is a 2 hour historical Boat ride. A lot of fun and very relaxing. We then went to eat at Hardee's and came back to the house. :) God has blessed us with a relaxing week.

Peace! Hope all is well with you!

I'll serve you while I'm waiting...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Hello from Montana.

We are busy doing nothing right now and enjoying being able to relax. I am learning so much this summer that it is crazy. God sure does have "Crazy Love" for us. He is amazing and I pray that I continue to learn SOOO much more about him and his love. I also hope that I am a blessing to these precious people that just need to be loved on by him.

Hope all is well. We are hopefully going and doing something "FUN" today so I think that will be a joy. :) Yay!

Well, we went to see "My Sister's Keeper" today and it was amazing. I cried through the WHOLE thing though. It definetely was a tear jerker but it was such an inspirational movie. I realized that God has blessed me with perfect health and that I should be doing all I can to help people with Cancer. I guess it hit home because my grandmother and granddaddy both had cancer and it was so hard on them. Thank you Lord for my health. :)

We are tired. We had VBS tonight and we went and talked to a lady downtown today. We had fun meeting some new people in the community and I pray that somehow we witnessed to her. Maybe a seed was planted.

Miss and Love you!
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