Let's keep going on the memory train for 2013, shall we?
My sweet Harper got attacked by a HUGE dog at my apartment. I'm still bitter. For the record, if your dog attacks another and SAID dog has to go to the vet, please pay the vet bill!

I almost got kicked off the football field for this one, but Dexter.. You were worth it! Meet the Rebels was a great time and it heightened my excitement for the 2013 season!

I participated in Relay for Life with my sweet teacher friends from school! I relayed in memory of Grandma and Grandaddy Howard! It was such a neat experience and made me remember all the people that have lost their lives to cancer.

These teachers were jumping for joy that it was summer! I just LOVE the last day of school!

I spent a day of summer to decorate my patio! I knew that hot summer days would be nice for spending out here! :)

Hello, Paradise!!

Our family celebrated Sam and Theresa's wedding celebration. So happy for them still and can't wait to see them Friday night for CHRISTMAS!
No sir.. We are not all fired up in the state of Mississippi.
I almost lost my life by cause of this Facebook status when State won in Omaha. I know a good rival when I see one!

Met Miss Sarah Kate! She was the most precious thing!

Hello, family reunion time!

Will and Ashley got HITCHED!

Nick and Hannah got hitched! :)
Oh, this link-up makes me happy! People..... I am BLESSED!
So happy to share my memories with you!
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