Relationship with my Jesus!

School is also a blessing right now. I am relieved to be in God's will with my career choice. I believe this wholeheartedly because I have made A's and B's in every class and that is a sign that I am where I need to be. So excited about working with children for the rest of my life.
This video is what I had to watch and document on my final and it touch my life. I had tears in my eyes the entire time, and it showed me how excited I am to work with special needs students/adults in my life's work.
The only disability in life is a bad attitude. ~Scott Hamilton
God is good. Yes he is. Just felt like sharing.
On another note, we had our Mentor group reunion Monday night at Mrs. S's house. Her baby Rourke is precious. I had fun putting his Ole Miss stuff on him. Love this sweet family! :)
Rourke, You're family is very special to me. Just know that we prayed for your mama to have a precious baby like you! So glad God decided to grant that wish!
Party at Mcgee's was a fun time! :)
Intercession this summer. Not so fun. It'll be over soon.
See how Blessed I am!
See ya'll later!