Praying for Cohen's....
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
We got done with VBS, Saddle Ridge Ranch, at Bellevue and it was a hit. Our kids were precious. I was the Kindergarten teacher and I had a great time. I just absolutely think that my purpose in this life is to love on every single kid that I come into contact with. :) I can't wait to become Miss Lauren.
I also learned from my precious little girl, Ansley, how to find a husband and have a baby when I "grow up". It was a precious moment. :)
We also had a mother/daughter banquet at our church and it was a beautiful day with precious mamas and sweet daughters. We helped decorate and it turned out to be our best one yet. Church family is so important to me and I sincerely say that if you don't have one, please join a church! You won't regret it.
School is blah, of course but God has a plan. I am just hoping to finish school on time, find a job, and begin my "young" adult life.
God show me what your plan is! :)
Until next time...
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Next, school is still going for this chap. I am not fond of it and hoping for a great conclusion. It's the 2nd week of school and I have yet to meet my teacher. (she's at a conference). Figures.
Then, Sunday we ordained Mr. Daniel Allen a deacon at Bellevue Baptist. Oh, happy day! :) I babysit his chillens and love this family to death. He will be a great asset to our community! :)
Monday, I went swimming at Shell's house and then to see little Cole play T-ball. It was precious.
Cole is going to be a big brother in January. :)
Today we went to Rowan Oak to start preparing for a mock Field Trip for our students.
Here is my group, we had soo much fun!
Life is grand in Oxford! :)
Friday, June 4, 2010
(this is ohhhh sooo true!!!)
I had so much fun reading these last night. (www.weheartit.com)
Praying for a beautiful weekend, it's raining as of now, and hopefully spending time with my precious family and Harper.
This summer is going to be a great one. Swimming, when possible, spending time with friends in Oxford, hanging out with Caitlyn @ Mi Pueblo( haha), and catching up on my reading, to-do lists, and planning for our apartment next year.
Senior year here I come!.. After Summer School! :)
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
I can't imagine having to leave my family for no telling how long, and being on the frontline of danger. These men and women are extremely courageous and I give them all the credit. Also for memorial day remembering I would like to thank my sweet savior!
He is always there for us and if it wasn't for him we would not have a holiday to celebrate!
Man I have so much to be thankful for.
I enjoyed Memorial Day 2010 with my mama, daddy, and my grandmother, Mom.
School started back today. JOY! This summer is going to be great. Can't wait.