I love my roomates, my new apartment, and the classes that I am in are very helpful. The lines, the new freshman, and the parking is once again an adjustment but it'll slow down and get better. Caitlyn, my dear friend, had a 20th Birthday party at The Grill in Tupelo last weekend. She got some great gifts and we had a great time laughing and catching up with all the girls and... Flirting with our adorable waiter!

After dinner we went across the street to Fairpark and had this fun time.

(ashley, I stole this off your facebook!

We have Survivor Weekend at the Baptist Student Union this weekend and I am on the Transfer Ministry Team. I am very excited about helping the transfers find their place on this HUGE campus because last year I was exactly in their shoes. (Pictures will be on here soon!)
Last night Shane and Shane gave a concert to our Campus and it was a great one! We all praised the Lord and had fun just hanging out with tons of college students. Go look them up if you don't know who they are.
I think it was a neat experience because I got to hang out with some of my good friends that interned for them and some that still are interning in Texas with them!
She will be one loved and prayed for little girl!
Please pray for her and her family. Also, pray that we may have an impact in her life and support her in so many other ways besides financial stability!
I would say this has been a great 1st week as a SENIOR! :)
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