Monday Fun-day.

Monday, May 21, 2012

 Merle's front porch was the perfect place for girl-talk. :) Miss her mucho! Send up special prayers for my dear friend. Lots of life changes going on!

Such a fun night out. Miranda Lambert/Chris Young, (who I WILL marry)/Jerrod Neiman. If you have the chance to see them in concert, please do! We got our $$ worth-- no doubt! 

Finally got some new rainbows. Seriously, this is my 3rd pair and these better last longer. I wear these things OUT!

Ended the school day today with a perfect pool day! So nice! It's almost over, people and I can't wait to do a memory post from my first year of teaching First Grade. 


What did you do this weekend? Please share! 

Fill in the Blanks!

Friday, May 18, 2012

1.  Something that is very near and dear to my heart is,  babies! I love their coos, smells, baby smiles and everything baby! :) I can't wait to have a few of my own!

2.     School being out for summer   is good cause to celebrate .

3.  The most fun I ever had was   in NYC with my mama. That trip was so much fun!

4.  True friends are  the ones you can talk about anything with, eat un-healthy food with, and just be yourself around.

5. Something that makes me terribly happy is       payday. It's my favorite.

6. A good way to spend a sunny day is     laying at the pool and soaking up the rays.

7.  My favorite celebratory food is   chicken/hamburgers with fries! totally unhealthy but it's comfort food. What can I say, I'm from the South?

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