Fill in the blank, Friday!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

This week's prompt is:


I'm going to use ROYGBIV, Pinterest, and other inspiration to write this post. Change things up a bit!

Just got home from the Lady A concert and it was AMAZING!



Source: via Lauren on Pinterest

Source: via Lauren on Pinterest




and just for fun, PINK! :)

Some of these things, I have to make! :)

Happy Friday!

Miscellany Monday- Beach Style!

Monday, June 25, 2012

It's a monday. what better day to remember myself at the beach and re-cap on that.
 So, lets go!

Gulf Shores, Alabama. Oh, you were too much fun!

{where we forgot the world's problems}

{my rock/partner in crime}

{cousin fun}

{our group}

{we had so much fun}

{more pics from the iphone}

we had such a great time. There really is nothing like being on the beach.

miscellany monday at lowercase letters

Friday Letters.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Dear Junkin, You have become one of my favorite pasttimes. In case you are confused, "junkin" is thrifting and finding old things that I can re-do to look fabulous! :)

Dear summer- please slow down! I love being a teacher more than you know, but I am enjoying sleeping till 12:00, blogging whenever I feel like it, and getting a nice tan. Please don't take that away from me.  Dear craigslist-you are a habit that I need to stop. But, in case you were needing to know, it's all my daddy's fault. bill him. Dear teacher pay- I am very grateful for what I do make, but it would be so nice if you could expand your generosity just a tad bit. I would forever be fond of you! Dear family- I've had so much fun being back home with you for these past 3 weeks but I am desperate need of going back to my "dwelling place" to clean, get new clothes, and prepare for the year ahead. Please understand! Dear heavenly father-Why have you blessed me with all that I have? I am very proud of all that you have given me but I will never understand why you continue to love me the way that you do! You are a great God and I will forever praise your name!

 Happy Friday to you! Hope you have the most exciting weekend ever. What are your plans?



Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Is it really June 20th?? This summer needs to slow down! This teacher is not looking forward to those First graders yet!

Happy Wednesday!

Here are some things floating around the internet that I find just dandy.
Source: via Lauren on Pinterest

Source: via Lauren on Pinterest

i have to make this! So cute!

and I want something like this too. Any hints for where I can get these jewelry holders?

Source: via Lauren on Pinterest

how cute! My child WILL have something like this!

and finally, how cute is this hair cut? I wonder if it would look right on me!

I'm loving all of these things! Life is good. Hope yours is too!

From Blog life, to REAL life.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Blogging  has been such a neat experience for me. Some weeks, I can spit out many posts and some (as it's been lately) I can't even get one in.

I've won a giveaway, met some of these friends in person, and some I just love to stalk daily and pretend we are friends! :)

On to the questions...

1. Do you have any real life blog friends?

Emily, and Haley are both bloggers. College Roomates at our best! #hottytoddy

The Best, Caitlyn- She's brutually honest. Check it out now. It'll make you laugh.

Aims- Another roomate that I met at ICC. The best years of our life, right Aims? :)

Ashley- Another sweet lady that I have known my entire life.

AlyssaLots to learn from this girl! 

Claire- another friend I met in college! :)

check these girls out! We've got lots to say.

2. Which blogger are you just dying to meet?
Confessions of a 20 Something
Why, Pink Lou Lou of course!

This girl cracks me up with her blog post and her fabulous hair styles. She is the cutest little Southern belle! Check her out.

She came to Oxford a few months ago and I totally regret meeting up with her!

3. Which blogger's closet do you want to raid?

A Blonde Ambition

Leslie is so cute with her "hot" outfits and cute words of wisdom. Plus, her love story is sweet too! I can always fall for a sappy story. :)

4. You are stuck on an island. Which blogger would you want with you to help you survive?

I didn't even have to think on this one. This lady aboves' blog makes me giggle. She is hilarious, takes pictures, is a wedding planner,and is a Christian. Hopefully, we would survive but in the process we could take cute pics, and plan my dream wedding. Sounds promising, right?

5. The first blogger you remember "meeting" and connecting with ?

I met Rachel who blogs here...


walking into the football stadium at Ole Miss. I'm not going to lie, I was a little star struck. Ha! It's a funny thing when you have to explain to people that these are some bloggy friends. :)
I might get a weird look every once in a while.

There are many other ladies that I love to stalk your everyday life. I would love to catch up with anyone who decides to come to Northeast Mississippi!

We'll be sure to show you a good time!

6. Any blogger that you admire and look up to?

This is a sweet family's blog that I have never met, but having a heart for special needs children, she is a wonderful mother who gives her all for her children to have awesome opportunities! :)

7. Who is the craziest/funniest blogger?

Babbling Abby

I love her expressions! :)

8. There's a reality television show for bloggers, who would you want to be casted with you?
Nicole- She knows lots of sweet knowledge and seems to be very level headed. Plus, she goes to Ole Miss. What's not to love!?
9. Some bloggers have really cool jobs, anybody you'd like to swap careers with?
on this one, I'll plead the fifth and say no. I love my job! :)
10. Favorite blog design?
What Makes Savanah Smile...
Pink, Turquoise, and leopard. What else could be more fabulous? Plus, she's an awesome blogger who let's her into her life and right now, wedding planning. MY FAVORITE!

Miscellany Monday

Monday, June 18, 2012

miscellany monday at lowercase letters
For all the random things in life:

{letters to my 1st year Firsties}

I found the sweetest poem on Pinterest and decided that my kiddos need to know that I was still thinking about them even though it was summer. Being a teacher is so rewarding! :)

{Harper is loving the dog-days of summer}

She's really wanting me to go outside and play with her! Poor baby!

{My daddy}

Happy Father's Day to the strongest, most stubborn, "whistelest" (because he whistles all the dang time), man I know! You love my mama, you give me money, and i have you wrapped around my finger!
Love you Daddy!


know what this is? It's thrifting/yard sale-ing/all in one. Bre and I hit a place Saturday and let's just say, her 4-runner was crammed full! Oh, so much fun!

{Distressed Furniture}

I have a problem and I need help. I found this thing for $28 and I couldn't resist!

It will be in my classroom come August with my computer on top! The drawers drew me in. I love some storage! :)

Today has been a lazy day! I've gotten some things done that have been on the to-do list for a while.

Have any fun ideas for me to do this summer?

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