I can never find time to blog as much as i would love to. To my blog, I'm sorry.
I have been crazy, busy with school and it has recently hit me that I am extremely ready to be out of school. I know that I have the whole rest of my life to be an adult but I'm just stressed and over this. College has been, by far, the best years of MY LIFE!
NMRC is still somewhere that I enjoy going every week and I'm sad that it's almost over. God has definetely shown me this year that I can't always be prepared and stuck in my ways because now I am debating whether to stay in Elementary Education or change my major to strictly Special Education. I enjoy working with those children/adults so much more but I do not want to be stuck in something that I can't get out of. God will provide and he always answers prayers.
This is my sweet class...
I got my altima fixed and got to drive a small, blue car for 3 days. I called it the blue dolphin and was not used to it at all but it sure got me to where I wanted to go.
We had a great Easter. Mom came over and we had a relaxing day just eating and catching up with her. Here's just a sweet picture of her..
I've signed a lease for The Exchange for next year, pretty much know I am doing my student teaching at Lafayette Elementary School, and I am trying to make all a's and b's to finish the year out. Life is hectic but I'm doing it. God is good and he will help me through. :)
Hopefully blogging will be done more frequently from now on.
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