
Friday, July 13, 2012

Dear Mississippi- I know this might be asking a lot but could you please think about all the responsibilities that a teacher has and pay us a little more! Thanks. Dear bathtime- I adore you! My Karen Kingsbury book calls my name when you are around. Dear God- thank you for being mighty and faithful, especially in times when I am not. I'm forever grateful. Dear apartment- get ready! I haven't seen you in quite a while and the cleaning and re-arranging is going to get serious. This is your warning! Dear blog readers- I know that you listen to my rantings and precious moments-- Thank you for that! Please, please leave me some comments! I love hearing what you have to say. Honestly, it makes my day when an email pops up saying that someone has actually read this little blog of mine. :)

Hope you enjoy your Friday. I'm hoping for a fun day with some friends!



  1. Haha! I'm glad I'm not the only one who treats my bathtub like a quality reading spot!

  2. I love Karen's books! I just finished a few and now I am ready for more!!

  3. love finding another southern gal!

    come say hi over at nichollvincent.blogspot.com

    have a wonderful day!


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