this weekend was the perfect fall weekend.
hot chocolate, soups, hayrides, scarves and boots. I. love.everything.about.fall.
Our church had a great time at our Fall Festival and I had the pleasure of loving on some wonderful adults and people. God gave me a beautiful church family and I'm very thankful for it.
I got to babysit my sweet girls after the festival so their mama and daddy could go to the class reunion. We had a fun time playing and watching movies. I love these littles.
now for the evidence that this weekend was too much fun.
{1} silly girls! Not wanting to sleep.
{2} Sweet friend's save the date. Can't wait for this wedding!
{3} Sweet babies at the Fall Festival.
{4} Mama and I "fallin" it up!
{5} Fun Pinterest Pumpkin "dart" game.
{6} In case you didn't hear, their belief didn't help.
Alabama is still #1 in the SEC. When will this change?
Look at that face? I wonder why she gets away with so much.
What did you do this weekend? Hope you enjoyed yours as much as I did.
Leave some comments, people!