School is OUT!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Bring it on, Summer! 

Today is the day that I have been looking forward to for about 8 months now. (ha!) It's every teacher's favorite day and every parents realization of what those ladies and gentlemen really do for them. SCHOOL is OUT! I can't wait to start my summer off right.

This summer is going to be very different for me. I am packing up my apartment, putting everything in a storage building and moving in with my Mother and Daddy. Talk about an adjustment.. but I am very thankful that I have this time to make some big decisions. :) (right, Mama?) I'm really excited to get back closer to home and be near Oxford more often. It's my dream and it's "happening". 

john 13:7

It hasn't hit me yet that I am "leaving" my first real teaching job and all of the people who I have called family for three years! Today when I hugged my principal bye, I could have cried. These people have been there for me and loved me when I wasn't near my parents, definitely wasn't in my comfort zone and needed reassurance that teaching is what I was made to do. God knew exactly what I needed.

I'll always be thankful for the time that I spent at Horn Lake Elementary and I can't wait to see what God has for me in Oxford. Now I can't wait to start my summer vacation by sleeping late in the morning and finishing some errands that HAVE to get done. I can't wait to share my "crazy" summer with you and I can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve too!

Summer Summer Summer!

Happy last day of school! 

I hope YOU dance.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Wooden Sign- Pallet Art: "I hope you dance" on Etsy, $42.00

My, my, my! It has been forever since I've blogged. I can't wait to blog about what all has happened in my life lately. Just be patient and it'll happen. :) Moving schools and moving back home may be a few of the details! 

Today I want to talk about dancing. Now, I love a good dance session but that's not exactly what I am talking about. I'll never forget when I was in Middle School the song by Lee Ann Womack came out and my mother fell in love. I was going through some stomach issues and didn't want to do anything because I was in pain. It was bad, people and she used this song to break through. Instead of sulking and laying around, she wanted me to hang out with friends, spend the night at people's homes, have fun but not dwell on what was wrong.

Dancing when you think you can't or don't want to, that's important people. Get out of your comfort zone, who cares what others think about your actions.. Do what makes you happy and Free. 

Tomorrow is my last day with my Kinders and to say that I am SAD is an understatement. I know that these babies have learned so much this year, how to be a friend, how to sit on the carpet, etc. but I want them to learn their life lessons from Miss Patton most of all. I want them to feel loved and know that when they don't feel loved that I am here for them. But.. most of all I want them to know that I believe in them and that when they aren't sure what to do:
I hope they dance!

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