Fall Festival time!

Monday, October 27, 2014

I love anything, everything Ole Miss FALL! (All you OM fans, think Rebel Rags commercial). I have my house all decorated with pumpkins, mums, and all things that make me smile. I can't believe it is almost November but I can't say that I am sad about it. Fall is just the best time of year to reflect on what I've been through and the fun times that we have ahead.

So much has happened since the Summer and I'm thankful that life is continuing to surprise me. My kiddos at school are precious and loud :), my Rebs are playing some awesome football and last but certainly not least, God is blessing in many areas of my life. I am SO blessed and I have to remind myself often that I need to be the blessing he wants me to be, back into this world. 

Our church had our annual Fall Fest on Saturday night. We have a sweet couple at church who shares their home every year and it's always the best fun! This year we had trunk or treat and I helped my mother get all the pumpkins ready to decorate with. I thought her trunk looks pretty cute myself!

Our kiddos dress up and have an inflatable that entertains them for the night. This year I thought the inflatable was rather fitting... (too bad our Rebs lost Saturday night).  The highlight of the night besides enjoying all of the company was the outside TV set up! I think my hint was taken ;) and it made my night to be able to see my Rebs play while having fun! Thanks Erik and Alison! 

I can't wait to see what else is up this Fall's sleeve. The weather is bipolar but times are still good. I can't wait for another weekend of football, family and friends! Hope you are all doing well! Stay away from Ebola. 

All WE do is WIN!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Hey Y'all! I'm BACKKKK! I've missed writing SO much and I'm stoked to be back and have lots to talk about. Let's start, shall we?

By the way.. Did y'all know our team was 6-0??

There has been A LOT of this going on! The Grove has been visited and lots of yelling has happened. I'm so thankful to be from a University that calls me back time and time again. Caitlyn and I love running into people that we know and love and one of those girls we just love is Rachel! We seriously have to have a date soon! 

So, two weeks ago Ole Miss had a special remembrance day for Chucky Mullins. It was full of memories, videos, people that were a part of his life and made us all realize what an inspiration he was. They passed out #38 pins at the game and made the whole day about him. If you have no clue what/who I am talking about, please read this! He was awesome and took what happened to him in stride. So, the picture up there? How does that go with this story! ;) I was having my weekly McAlisters date and this was the number that I was given.. Coincidence? NOT!

Alabama Football Weekend: 

This was BY FAR one of the best game weekends I've ever had! GameDay paid The Grove a visit and I'm pretty sure they were in heaven! Rumors are.. they are coming back! I sure hope so! We got to the Grove around 8:30 and made a day of it! It was electric and people were full of hope and excitement. 

There they are! Come back soon! 

HUGH! We love this guy! He's an all around great Coach!

In case you've been living under a rock, WE BEAT ALABAMA! And yes.. we tore the goal post down. But, don't judge us because we paid the fines (because we can) and got it taken care of. 

The State of Mississippi is rocking it in the polls and we are 6-0! What is this? I am such a proud Rebel fan! Keep it going, REBS!

Adam got to work the game and was even on the sidelines! I'm VERY jealous!


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