where do you live?
Oxford, Ms/ 38655
I think that is a no brainer! Anything Ole Miss related is where I want to be.. Baseball, basketball, FOOTBALL, anything that includes supporting my Rebs! But, I also enjoy eating anywhere but at home so the next question shall answer that. :)
I would have to say that Ajax on the Square is my pick for the best restaurant. I have so many that I visit often but this one says home cooking while looking out the window on our busy, vibrant Square. Next time you are in town, you better call me to be your dinner date!
High Point Coffee and Cups are a tie in my book. High Point has been the local favorite longer but I fell in love with Cups in Jackson and when Oxford got one, it became the best thing ever. I would choose either one when a cup of coffee is what your heart desires.
Honestly, let me tell you one of my perfect date ideas. (future love: pay attention) I think a nice dinner at Old Venice, followed by yogurt at YaYas and then a drive or walk around campus would be fabulous. Just being able to experience what all this college town has to offer is enough!
Bottle Tree Bakery (find this place on Facebook)... I am about to admit a crime! I have NEVER eaten at this restaurant and that's a crying shame. It is on my 2015 bucket list that I just decided that I need to make! Who wants to be my date for this event?
what is your favorite thing about your city?My favorite thing would have to be the feeling in my heart when I drive back in to my town! I am SO thankful and blessed to be back in Oxford and I don't take that for granted. I SO adored my three years living in Southaven but I am SO glad to be back home! God is so good!
I love living in a college town and being 5 minutes from Heaven on Earth aka {Ole Miss}.
Oxford is a great place to call home!