Jesus, Can you show me just how far the East is from the West!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

So, It's been awhile. Alot has happened.

Today is Sunday, I should be sitting in the 4th pew @ Bellevue Baptist but I'm not because it SNOWED!! :) Thank you Jesus, I love snow!

I have already been out in it, taking pictures and writing my name in the snow. I wish Mississippi had more snow, but you know...

I have had a great weekend, very laid back and got a lot accomplished. Hung out with my grandmother yesterday and talked some politics. She loves when I do this with her! :) She is precious to me!

School is still bugh, and I am ready for Spring Break. I am going to San Fran and I am super excited. I get to go with some of my Best Friends and I know we are going to make tons of memories. I wish that some of my other Besties could go though.. :(

Hopefully I will have time to write back on here later this week.
God is so good, and I pray that this week that I will be able to help others, and show his love in my life.
Pray for Jordan Lindsay! --

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe we leave for San Fran in 10 days!! AHHH!!! :)


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