How Great is Our God!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Today has been a good day. Class was terrible, duh! of course but other than that, great. We had BSU today and tonight the service was led by the Worship and Scream Team. Amazzzzing! They are so good, and they definetely tie everything together and make is a powerful message. Then tonight a friend had to talk about some pretty deep stuff, Wow! It's pretty amazing how God knows how we are weak, but he is strong and he lets us help someone else. He sure does use the weak to lead the strong! Thank you Lord! :)

So.. I don't have class tommorow! Amen!. I get to sleep late. Woo hoo!

I am really excited about Summer Missions this summer, starting to think about it a little more. Thank you Lord for directing our paths and letting us remember that your ways are tons better than ours.



  1. YAY! I'm so glad you have a blog now!! :)
    We are definitely partners in crime!


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