It's Time!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Here I sit in the Memphis hotel right outside the AIRPORT! Can you believe it? I will be in Montana in 16 hours! haha.. I am very excited, nervous, scared, and in shock! This has been such a process but I am soo glad that it is fixing to begin..

Please pray for

* My mama, daddy, and Brother.

* My flights and safety.

* My mom ( grandmother)

* My testimony and Witness in Montana

* All God has in store. I am fully expecting great things to happen because of him!

I hope that you all have a great summer and please pray hard for all of us. We will (I'm sure) get homesick, have colds, get down, and wonder what we need to do. God know these thoughts even before we have them. God Please hold our hands!

Love ya'll. Enjoy the SWEET TEA! That's something that I will miss terribly! :)


How BEAUTIFUL are the feet of those that bring good news!----Isaiah 52:7 :)

Almost time.. :)

Friday, May 15, 2009

Hello everyone!

I have mixed emotions as I write this. I am very excited about school being over and very sad that my time is over at ICC. Graduation was fun and LONGGGG! I think we all pretty much talked the entire time. haha

I am leaving for Montana in 16 days and boy let me tell you, I am scared, excited, nervous, but ready to go! I know God has big dreams and I just have to be faithful! :)

Pray for me as I prepare to go and Pray that I reflect HIM the whole, entire time. I am soaking up every minute these next two weeks with friends, family, and having me a good ole time.

I will post my address for the two months(WOW) that I will be gone on here and please write me! :) It'll make things ten TIMES easier to hear from people back home!


Here Comes Goodbye..

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Wow, I only have two more finals left at ICC. Praise the Lord!

I am fixing to start packing my stuff in my dorm and getting it ready to move home.

I can't believe this is finally almost the end. I was reading in my journal the other day and I found that the last time I wrote was the weekend that we moved in. Kinda made me a little sad.

I am having a good week--besides the whole finals thing. :)

May 31st-Leaving for Montana :)

Pray for me! God is going to do big things! I am fully expecting it. Ok.

Hotty Toddy! Oxford, here I come!

Come See us!

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