Hello everyone!
I have mixed emotions as I write this. I am very excited about school being over and very sad that my time is over at ICC. Graduation was fun and LONGGGG! I think we all pretty much talked the entire time. haha
I am leaving for Montana in 16 days and boy let me tell you, I am scared, excited, nervous, but ready to go! I know God has big dreams and I just have to be faithful! :)
Pray for me as I prepare to go and Pray that I reflect HIM the whole, entire time. I am soaking up every minute these next two weeks with friends, family, and having me a good ole time.
I will post my address for the two months(WOW) that I will be gone on here and please write me! :) It'll make things ten TIMES easier to hear from people back home!
aw LP! I love you to pieces.