I won a Blog award! Thanks a lot. I'm excited.
rules: List 10 things that make you happy!
* Harper Grace--My precious Maltese.
* Friends that are there for all occasion. I find the best in many friends.
* Mi Pueblo- Best Mexican in the world.
*My family. They are my world.
*SHOPPING! If only I could do this for my job.
*Driving-Road Trips. I love anything Random.
* Music- Country, Christian, pop. Anything I can sing along to.
* My laptop=Internet. Love it to death.
*Pictures! I think I have a million!
* Last but not least. God. He saved me and he wants me to tell the world. Mission Trips!
Now.. I have to pick ten people for this award. You do the same thing I did if you get it.. here goes..
This week has been laid back and full of getting things done before school starts. My books have slowly been arriving in the mail and it seems like this semester may be just a tad bit hard. :)
I can do it, I think..
Harper got a much needed bath Monday night and she looks so nice and clean. Her hair is slowly growing back. She got a hair cut last week and her mama let them cut it wayyy too short. Mrs. Rebecca did exactly what I asked of her but it was my mistake. She looks so cute now that it is growing back.
Harper has been sleeping in my bed this week and I guess this will continue. I said she would never do it, but I guess you should never say never, huh?
Last night Mama and I went to Tupelo and saw "Annie". It was sooo good. We were there with about 500 little girls and their families but we loved it just as much as they did. Thanks, mama for this treat! :)
It's almost time for school to start back and I can honestly say that I am ready. I'll regret this in a week or two. :)
Have a great week. God bless!