Harper Grace

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Today has been a great day. I slept late and then spent some time with my "mom". Please remember her in your prayers. She is more than likely going to have a Cornea Transplant and for an 85 year old, that might not be so easy. Those wonderful eyes of hers have seen hard times and precious memories. I just love her, in case you can't tell.

Wanted to show you some pictures of my Harper!

Before her haircut:

and after:

Praise the Lord her hair is growing. I miss her long, shaggyness. haha
On a more serious note, I am heartbroken for the people of Haiti and also those precious children at St. Jude. I am watching a program and my heart is breaking. Truly shows me how amazingly blessed I am! Thank you, Lord! :)
Let's pray for all these people and children, ok?
God bless!

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