Blanks Friday.

Friday, June 24, 2011

1.   The last thing I ate was      South Depot- New taco place on the square in Oxford. Check.It.Out. Quality time with the brother and his girl.
2.  The next thing I'd like to eat is    some grapes. too bad I don't have any. Whatever I can scrap up for lunch.

3.  The best things    are what make us happy. Seriously, if eating mexican makes you happy, do it. If laughing makes you happy, laugh all over. If babies make you happy, play with them. ha! (is that what you were expecting!) Actually, most of these things make ME happy!
babysitting on my mission trip to Montana! :)

4.  Something that makes me supremely and utterly happy is  totally didn't see this questions before I wrote the last. Um.. Family time. I love being able to spend time with my family and making memories that will last as long as I am alive. Planning for my future is my next thing. Now, On to the future...

5.  Sports are    so much fun! I love SEC football and baseball. That's about all that I get into though! :)

6.  I miss      having a job and having my own money.  I'm a pretty independent person and I like doing what I want, when I want. Student teaching was amazing but also a very BROKE time in my life! :) Preparing me for the rest of my life as a teacher, I guess...

7.  Right now I am      wondering what the weekend is going to hold? I've got plans.. now to finalize them. :)

Does anyone else use a planner like crazy?? I do!! 

Happy Friday! :)


  1. I LOVE planners. Mine is color-coded, which pretty much means I'm crazy organized (or maybe just crazy). :)

    Found your blog through FitBF!


  2. I love family time too. We're going on vacation next week, just my parents, brother, sister, and me, and I can't wait to have a whole week of just hanging out together!

  3. If babies make you happy.... play with them! hahah I cracked up at that. I was scared you were going to say something else :)

  4. why does all food talk make me hungry?

    xo monica

    ps. love your blog


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