{one} I'm loving this precious mouse pad that I created from Shutterfly. :) Seriously, they have the best ideas for photo gifts and more. Check them out if you never have. :)
{two} We have a field trip to the Orpheum this week! My kids are going to stroke. "The Magic Schoolbus" here we come. :)
{three} Church fellowship Sunday night makes me a happy lady. Good food, great friends, and memories being made. Couldn't ask for anything more. :)
Learned this tonight @ church:
Don't just love the blessings, love the giver of those blessings!

My daddy and I reallllllyyyyy need to make this for my deck patio!
easy to do! Love this!
Source: Uploaded by user via Lauren on Pinterest
Amen. that's me.
must find frames.
Pinterest, you WILL break me! :)