I've got many, many things running through this brain of mine. So, let's splat this out here.
These are the CUTE mousepads I ordered from Shutterfly last night. They were so nice and gave me a $20 gift certificate but with everything after it added up, i only paid $10 for these! Went ahead and made one for the madre while I was at it.
Mouse Pad
View the entire collection of cards.
I'm loving that this has been a short week at school. My children are crazzzy monsters but bless them, you can't help but let them steal your heart. I sometimes feel like all I do is yell all the day LONG, but at the end I usually end up with at least 5 hugs so guess it's worth all the screaming! :) :)
I'm excited about the blog post about my 23rd birthday that's coming up! Be watching and ready for it. I've just got to get motivated to upload pics from my camera! Judge me all you want.
Now, I have to go get ready for church tonight. Thank you Lord for Wednesdays! :)
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