Monday Morning Shenanigans.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Sami's Shenanigans

Hey gals! Hope you all had wonderful, restful, relaxing weekends. I definitely (very rarely) did not have a restful weekend but it was fabulous none the less. Here's the details:

{new mantel}- I go through these phases where I have to change it up. I went for neutral this week. Don't get too attached because next week it'll be all full of color.

{outfit of the day}- This was for Friday night. I love my coral jeans with a chambray shirt. I literally can wear this shirt with anything.  I also loved these striped shoes from GAP. No worries.. I'm not becoming a fashion blogger but I do love this outfit. :)

{people who mean something}-World meet Bro. Chris. He was my BSU director at ICC. I love catching up with him at weddings and such because he makes me laugh so much. He literally can philosophize any conversation and make you feel like you are in college again. He assured me that God had BIG plans for my life and I'm so thankful that I will always have hilarious memories of him!

{Wedding}- Nicholas and Hannah got MARRIED. Such a sweet wedding. Wish y'all the best!

{SEC Sunday}-I made this up. Little Abel had his Colonel Reb smock on at church and I couldn't let him leave without a picture. Couldn't you just eat him up?

{friends}- Caitlyn and I met up for a bye meal for the week. We were about to make our hour and a half drives to home so we figured one last mexican meal would work. So thankful for her friendship.

Now on a serious note: 
One of my brother's friends was killed Friday night caused by a 3-wheeler wreck. Please keep our small town family in your prayers. Many people are affected and it sucks not being able to help them heal. This guy had a 6 year old little boy and leaves behind a family who loved him dearly. All prayers are appreciated! 

Happy Monday, y'all.


  1. Gosh, I can't even imagine. Praying for his family this morning.

    I just got my first chambray shirt and I don't know how I lived without it!! (Can you say drama queen??) I love your outfit! I am so bad about throwing on yoga pants and heading out the door! Your outfit makes me want to look cute ;)

  2. So sorry to hear about your brothers friend :( That is so tragic! Will definitely keep them in my prayers! xo

  3. Sending prayers up for y'all! LOVE the dress you wore to the wedding. You'll have to give me the details on where you got it! Happy Monday!


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