Dear Friday.

Friday, May 31, 2013


Dear Summer Break: All those months that I adore my babies, teach them to my best ability and yet still complain about it, forgive me. This time makes it ALL worth the hard work. For those of you who don't agree with me, ALL TEACHERS earn there two months "off".  My Pinterest boards beg to differ.Dear Masters Degree: Come soon, please. These summer classes are doable but not as much fun as laying by the pool. Dear apartment: You are getting some good attention this week. I've started re-decorating rooms, de-cluttering my possessions and fixing my balcony to where it is welcoming. What do ya think?
Dear every store imaginable: You are sending me all these fancy emails with these items that I can't live without. STOP IT. I will be broke in NO time! Please and thank you!  Dear friends: Why must we all be grown ups now and have jobs all summer where we used to hang out and play? This makes me happy because I'm getting a paycheck but sad that we are full-out ADULTS now. Can y'all believe it?

So many fun things have happened this week! People getting awesome jobs, going on fun trips and many great memories were made.  

Hope y'all have an amazing weekend! 

See you next week with a weekend shenanigans post and some fun stuff too. 

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