9-11, I remember!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I saw this on twitter last night and couldn't believe that today would be the 12th anniversary of 9-11. I can tell you where I was, what we were doing and which teacher I was with in school. I remember coming home and watching it ALL night not knowing what had happened exactly and what America would do!

Thank Goodness I have a Savior who knows ALL and knew that we would get through that day and live to tell about it. I'm thankful that as a nation we came together and helped each other through the  "cowardly terrorists" actions. I'm truly sad that some people could kill so many people and not feel any remorse.

Today, I stood before 24 Kindergarteners who were not even born in 2001 and shared with them this sweet book. I talked to them about the bad men who tried to scare the United States and how they hurt our country but we came together and we will be strong just like the book said. Their little minds didn't understand the hatred that these men had and for that I. am. thankful.
They will never know what happened on that day unless we tell them and I plan to do that each and every year, as long as I teach, because all kids need to know the history of America and that's a day that we all remember!

I am thankful that my brother wasn't a NYC Fireman and that he didn't have to take that call but I know if he had been asked to, he would have gone in a heartbeat.  The pictures above were taken while on a trip to NYC, at St. John's where the rescue personnel and volunteers rested and ate meals. This statue of badges spoke to me and also the sitting up uniform. 
God BLESS America!

THANKFUL for all Military, police, and firemen today! Their jobs are stressful, dangerous and courageous all at the same time. I'm remembering the people who were killed and I'm thankful for the people that survived. 

"where were you when the world stopped turning, on that September day?"

1 comment:

  1. it's crazy to think that there are people that weren't alive for 9.11


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