This weekend was full of non-stop-ness. (is that a word?)
I took off work on Friday for my 2 year heart checkup! Everything is fine, thank Goodness. The ole' heart murmur is hanging in there just fine. So, mama and I made a day of it and after my appointment, went shopping.
I finally found a "Love God, Sweet Tea, and SEC t-shirt and I can't wait to wear it proudly!
Saturday was an early game so getting up early was a must. We went straight to the game and hung out with our Saturday crowd. I just LOVE where we sit and who we share our space with. The people around us are wonderful and are such a fun crowd to cheer with. Seriously, Ole Miss is my heaven on Earth.
Saturday night, a Boure' meal was devoured and some home time with the family was enjoyed. So thankful that I live so close to the people I love! This weekend was enjoyed so much and I can't wait to do it all again this coming week!
*Chalkboard drawing- The Lily Pad
Here's to a great week with my kinders and hoping you are enjoying yours as well!
Looks like a good weekend! Count yourself lucky that your brother will actually take pictures with you haha. I have to practically beg my brother and his response is "you just wanna put this on your blog"