Gone too soon.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


That's my age and I feel like I'm in the prime of my life. Not too young, not too old. 

I was working in my classroom at 5:30 on Monday afternoon when I got a text message that my good friend, Claire had passed away. I can't describe to you the feeling that came over me. I was breathless, speechless, and didn't know what to do. I automatically cut my lights off in my room and drove home. 

I walked inside and told my mama what happened and just broke down. How am I supposed to grasp that one of my close friends is gone and is never coming back? Y'all.. it's a SCARY thought! 

Claire was the epitome of fun! She was always ready for an adventure. She loved traveling and seeing the world and what it had to offer. She was a Summer Missionary most summers of our college years and LOVED telling people about her Jesus. I will always remember how excited she would get about spending her summer with people that she could love on.

Claire and I met at Itawamba Community College in 2007. We were in the same Co-Ed Bible study together and that's where our friendship took off. I loved how funny and sarcastic she always was! She always spoke her mind and told you just like it was. The picture above was taken our last year at ICC during our BSU end of the year party. Claire was always our picture taker and loved documenting every. single. memory.
**I'm so thankful for this now.

After we left ICC, Claire went to Starkville and I went to Oxford. We promised that we wouldn't lose touch and I'm so thankful that we didn't. She came to on our first football games as Ole Miss students and this picture happened! I'm so thankful that we had our rivalry fights and talks about why each of us chose the school that we did. She always told me my husband was at state! :)

This was the last time that I saw my sweet, Claire! Amy and Evan had their surprise wedding on top of the Madison Hotel and we celebrated together. I can't believe that this will be the last picture that I will ever take with her. 

From the first time that I met her, I knew that Claire was something special. I just hope she realizes what an impact she has made on all of our lives. Tonight as we gather at the church for her visitation, I know that many memories will be shared and her family will be loved on. I still can't believe that my friend is gone but I know for sure where she IS. 

God needed his smiling Claire much more than we did.

RIP, sweet Claire. 

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