iPhone dump. Aka: I need more space.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Summer time is a beautiful thing! I find myself taking more pictures than normal and now my phone is telling me to slow my roll. Seriously, I have no memory on my phone to do anything and it's killing my soul.

Caitlyn shared her pictures (check them out) and I figured it was time that I do the same. Let's re-visit memories, shall we?

{Fourth of July weekend}- I just love a good American flag picture. Fireworks in Oxford, Thaxton Water tower and town get-together, Children's church

{Fun Days}- Caitlyn, Bre Anna and I in Oxford walking around the square, Mom and I had a Girl's Day, Bre Anna and I at the Bruno concert... Which was AMAZING! 

{Little People}- Cooper finally came to me at church. Isn't he the cutest? Little Maddie is my pal. She is saying my name and it makes this "Miss Lauren" so HAPPY! :) These kiddos make me smile.

{Random}- Bre Anna and I went to Walmart to shop for her vacation to the Dominican Republic and a mosquito net was my suggestion. She didn't take my help but made it back alive and in one piece.- This person is Michelle and she is NOT missing! I haven't seen her in forever and went to see her the other day. I love catching up!

I just LOVE summer when we can travel and visit with people that we haven't seen in a while. 

Well, we have VBS this week (3&4 year old teacher) and I'm in Grad School MTW so I am beat! I'm about to take a quick nap and rest up! Hope to see your iPhone dumps soon!

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