Well, I am going to sound like a complete loser right here but I very rarely watch tv. I just don't have time to sit down most days and watch them. I would rather blog, check facebook, and do other things on the internet than watch tv. But.. this was not the case when I was younger and I absolutely adored watching tv. Here were a few of my favs...
I was the BIGGEST fan of this show. :) Love it.

Full House. I watched it everyday after school while I did my homework. Guess how much got done? haha

Saved By The Bell- I watched this every morning before school and I learned lots. This show was possibly my favorite. It still makes me smile every time it comes on! :)
Can I please marry Zach Morris? and.. use his big cellphone?!
I know that most people adore watching tv.. well.. hopefully that bug will hit me one day! :)
Today has been a good day and I am tired. Work was busy and the day was short! That's ok. We have a home game tomorrow and football frenzy is in the air. I'm excited because....
Maggie is coming to OXFORD! :) She'll be a reb in no time! :)
Let's go boys! Beat Auburn! Hotty Toddy!
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