BC: Day 2

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Introduce and Explain your blog title
Well.. the name of my blog is He's not finished with me yet. :)
I went to Montana the summer of my sophomore year in college to be a summer missionary. One of the greatest experiences in my entire life. YES! It was. I did summer camps, VBS, and worked with kids all day every day. Loved it was an understatement. One week we did a day camp at this certain church and Brandon Heath had just written this new song, He's not finished with me yet. We were watching a slide show of our productive week and one of the moms had chosen this song for the slide show. It was awesome and I loved the message behind the song.
I already had the blog but when I got home that summer I changed the BLOG name to that. I haven't changed it, even though right now it says Live Life Loud. I believe those can be combined. I need to show others here in Oxford, Ms to Kenya Africa(hopefully) that our God is bigger than anything in this world and he is always looking out for our best interests. :) Isn't that a comforting thought?
God, I am so thankful that you are no way near through with me yet and I pray that every day of my life that you shine through!


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