This one is going to be picture overload. :)
Friends are majorly important in my life and God knew that I needed tons of them to get me through the everyday thing we like to call "life".
Friends are majorly important in my life and God knew that I needed tons of them to get me through the everyday thing we like to call "life".
This is Caitlyn! We've been friends since the 7th grade. We played(talked and faked) the flute in the high school and junior college days. Hey, it payed the bills and we met some awesome friends in the meantime. She is a strong-headed, stubborn, crazy as a loon friend and even though we fight like sisters I would do anything for this girl.
I'm pretty sure this quote sums up our friendship. Wouldn't you agree ,Caitlyn?

Lane Maxcy- For the sake of Pete this girl keeps me laughing all the time. She is the most laid back and spacy person that I have ever met and I couldn't have her any other way. She loves the Rebels, going to the beach, and exercising. We are completely different but God knew that I would need a ton of new friends at Ole Miss and that's exactly what he gave me! Lane and I went to ICC but we didn't know each other at all. We ended up having a Sped class at Ole Miss together my first semester here and that's where our friendship began.
21 years and counting.. We've pretty much done anything random and crazy that there is to do in this good world. She's one crazy person. She loves her niece, Mary Michael, riding to the amish, and Memphis trips shopping and Steak N Shake. We have gone to church together for the majority of our lives. Her family is like my 2nd family and "crash" has been through a lot. She has had 3 wrecks and has been hit by the Panty Thief. Stupid boy. We fight a lot and have disagreements but she's pretty cool. :)
These two complete my life. They were awesome roomates and sisters for sure. We have a Ton of memories and times when we wanted to kill each other. (Merle- Does an iron and lou lou ring a bell? Love you!) I never get to see them anymore but stanfield will be teaching with me next year and Merle graduates from nursing school is Dec. AHH! We are adults. Love you girls!
Love you all!
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