getting to know me.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Want to know about me? Here goes..

1. did you watch the royal wedding?

I got up at 3:15, turned my TV on, fell back asleep and woke up as they were walking out of the church. :( No worries though, as soon as I get home this weekend I will be watching it on TiVo. :) Thanks, daddy! Ah! She is just beautiful! :)
                                2. tea and crumpets or coffee and a scone?
Coffee and a scone. but.. neither of those choices have I ever had. ha. 
                                3 who's cuter..prince william or prince harry?
Prince William is more my type, but Prince Harry is a doll. Wouldn't I love to be a princess! 

4. can you speak in a english accent?
Not very well. I can do a great fake of it though! 
                                      5. do you own a fancy hat?
 No, I don't. Maybe that should be my next purchase. 
6. would you rather live in a castle or an english cottage?
Castle. DUH! Even though cottages are adorable too! 
7. how old were you when prince charles and princess diana got married?  were you even born?
I wasn't born but my mother tells me stories of the day. I think she was just beautiful. Don't you know that was the best day of her life!!
                                    8. have you found your prince?
NO! He's out there though. :)


  1. Oh my goodness, I am in love with both William AND Harry. I think they are so handsome!
    Oh and you really should try coffee and a scone. Yum!

  2. Haha don't bother with the scones! It's like a really dry, crumby muffin. US, especially Southern, breakfast foods are way better. I'll take a Village Grocery bacon biscuit anyday!

  3. Lauren, I am totally copying this. I've been trying to think of a way to blog about the wedding, and this is perfect. Thank you! So fun!


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