{Graduation} Saturday! I just can't believe it. College is almost over. I'm ready but still a little sad about it.
{Family} I have, hands down, the best family in the entire world. We may fight and argue but we make up for that in hugs, smiles, and laughter. I seriously couldn't ask for a more dedicated and supporting family.
{A savior who loves me} Seriously, I don't understand why he loves me so. I fail him, I forget him, I doubt him, but still he shows his mercy and grace relentlessly. I am humbled and thankful for that. I love the fact that when good things happen, he is perfect in timing. Praying for things to happen in his time and in his way!
{Air Conditioning} Sounds crazy, but NO! It's hot here in the South. 11:00 and already...
I'm not going to complain, just thanking God for air conditioning! :)
Happy Thursday!
Exciting graduation post coming soon!
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