I just LOVE Wednesday!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Today I had that one of those "I'm so glad I became a teacher" moments! One of my firsties read 13 words when before today, reading was non-existent to him. Oh, how my heart smiled. He was so excited too! We'll see where it goes from here.

I got a FLU shot yesterday. YUCK! I hate those jokers. Now, look what it got me. 

Doesn't feel too great but hopefully no flu for me!


Our Very Hungry Caterpillar door for Drug Free Week!
Our kiddos had fun coloring the plates. We didn't win but it's the trying that counts, right?

I visited a new church Sunday and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Going to Wednesday night church tonight and praying that it's exactly where God would have me be. I'm ready to find where I belong here in Southaven!

Just to see you smile!

1 comment:

  1. Don't you just love those "Oh! *THIS* is why I picked this career!" moments... I had one this week too! Never thought I'd be so happy to see a 4 year old sign the word "pig" Haha.


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