I'm loving this fall weather that we are having! I've got the warm blankets over my feet, heat on, and pumpkin candles a blazin. I'm in heaven! Except for taking Harper out.. that's no fun... It's COLD! {two}
I'm practically done teaching for the week! We have all of our lovely, first grade test tomorrow and then Friday= FIELD TRIP! To say I am excited is an understatement. I'll have my hands full but gracious, I can't wait! All my firsties getting to get out of the classroom and enjoy themselves at the Memphis Botanical Gardens. So excited! Pray that yo' girl doesn't loose any children. that would be terrible. {three}
Couponing- I'm really trying to save some money on the little things that I buy. It's very time consuming but I'm trying to figure out how to do it so that it can help me save the green. If you have any tips or would like to donate your coupons to me, send me an email. :) Thank you in advance!
My new decor that will be added to my house this weekend. Thanks, mama and daddy!
Source: iheartorganization.blogspot.com via Megan on Pinterest
going to do something cute like that with mine. :)
pure bliss in Pontotoc made my front door decoration! :)
I'm excited about my bro and his "friend" coming to see me this weekend. It'll be a fun reunion. My brother has lots going on in his life right now and I couldn't be prouder for him and OF him. I'll share the details when I can. :)
Source: thingswithwingsartjournal.blogspot.com via Things With Wings on Pinterest
Painting my nails is one of my things that makes me feel human. Weird? oh, well! It makes me happy to know that my nails are pretty and painted. I love buying nail polish and I have way too many bottles but guess what? My collection isn't complete!
One of my favorite blogs, here, features a girly, Pink LouLou, who always has her nails painted perfectly. I NEED to know her secret. Show me some love, Lou Lou. What's your secret!?
Happy Wednesday!
Haha....I'm sure you won't lose any of your precious children. I will begin praying for you now though. Have you been in Pure Bliss lately? Such cute stuff!! Missing you! I hate that we don't live right through the living room from each other anymore. Thankful blogging lets me keep up with you! :) Have a wonderful week LP!!