I'm loving that I got to sit under some fine devotional time tonight @ Longview Heights. I'm really starting to love going there every Wednesday night and it's really opened my eyes to what I've neglected in my worship of my Lord. Tonight we learned about Discipleship and man, did it step on some toes....
I'm loving planning my own Christmas gifts this year. I may not have a lot of money but hopefully everyone I LOVE will get a little happy from me and that's makes me smile. I love being independent and knowing that I can hopefully support my own way of giving.
Source: google.com via Denise on Pinterest
Catching up on blogs. Blogging has seriously become a hobby of mine and it's something that is a stress reliever and I feel like one big family. Even know, I know these women know diddly squat about me!
I'm loving this sweet season in lots of my family and friends' lives right now. Marriage, Kids, change. The marriage and kids part is especially bittersweet for me! I am giddy with excitement for them and I can't wait to see how their journey ends up but it also leaves me with a longing that I have had my whole 22 years. I want to be a Wife and Mother more than anything else in this entire world! Hook me up, girls! :)
For such a time as this...
Source: Uploaded by user via ashley on Pinterest
I'm steadily changing my classroom into my own and I really am loving the process. I want it to be mine! :)
I feel like I'm sort of getting this teaching thing.
You've really been on a role, blogging this week! :) I like that!! ;)