Happy Wednesday! It's a good day.

{It's Almost Christmas Break!}
Can I get a YAHOO! love it. I'm so excited. I can't wait to not have to do lesson plans, worry about whether or not my kids are going to make good MAP scores, get up with the chickens, you know.. many things.
Please don't get me wrong, I am extremely thankful for my job. Just ready for a break! :)
One of my Firsties randomly did a book report and brought it in. I was a proud teacher! :)
Thanksgiving Turkey Chant! (sorry for the nasal-y, manly, sickly voice you hear. That would be Muah!) :)
They are a hot mess. Love them!
It's been rather chilly here lately, and I love it. I love being able to come in from a long day and lay around in the heat with a blanket and cuddle up and watch t.v. But-- As I was walking Harper last night it suddenly hit me that I was very thankful for having a job and being able to pay the bills so that I can enjoy the heat.
It really hit me that I feel very, VERY sorry for the people who are on the streets and can't afford to pay their bills. There were probably people nearby me that were on the streets and were struggling last night while I was cuddled up in my house. Gosh, reality hit me like a ton of bricks. What am I doing to help others out? Got to work on this...
{Christmas Decor}
I absolutely adore this time of year. Decorating, hosting parties, being with family and friends, getting out of school/off of work, shopping. BRING. IT. ON!
Can't wait to sit back and enjoy the decorations that my mother has waiting on me at my home, home. :)
{Family, Friends}
My girl, Merle, and I went to Starkganistan, aka, Starkville, MS this weekend for the world-known Egg Bowl. Well, to put it lightly, it rained the whole game. We were crazy for sitting out in it but FREE tickets and a HUGE rivalry. Who wouldn't? HOTTY TODDY! My poor Rebels got beat pretty badly but we NEVER lose a party.
We'll be back. Have no fear.
Before the game.
During the game! (yes, she's a traitor!)
BTW: I'm saddened tonight for a guy who graduated from my High School. Adam Sullivan died in a car-wreck last night and I just really feel for his family and what they are going through. If you are a praying individual, please send up a prayer for them tonight. :) I know that they would be very grateful!

My latest finds. How I love this website!
Just a little Wedding Dreaming. Come on Mr. Right! :)
Holiday Lovelies!
I'm done! :) This could get dangerous.
Enjoy your Wednesday Night! Stay warm and thank God for your blessings!
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