
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I haven't done this link-up in a long time so I thought today was perfect for it. :) These are some of my instagram photos from the past couple of weeks. Come see what my life is like, will ya?

{one} I started school again! Masters Degree, here I come... Can't wait to walk across that Grove stage again. Prayers are appreciated!

{two} My apartment is what I like to call "shabby chic". Nothing matches and I love it! Seriously-- I tell people that my apartment is Goodwill #2. :) Come see us!

{three} My Birthday present from Michelle. One of my girls who I've known my E.N.T.I.R.E life. Anything that is girly needs to be on my desk at school. 

{four} Sweet Harper wanted to wear my leopard scarf! :) Isn't she the cutest dog model? I need to get her a contract...

{five} New Family pictures on my coffee table. I adore my family, they are the best!

{six} My brother wanted to see how fast I could get ready for a fire. It took me .56 seconds. I'm so glad that's his profession, not mine. :)

{seven}  Mama and I got mani/pedis on Saturday. I loved the new shop that we went to! Isn't it cute?

{Eight}  My cutesy monogrammed cup with chocolate milk! I've becoming fond of this new found habit. 

{nine}  Emily and Josh's Wedding is in 3 days now! I was bored last night and decided to make a sweet reminder for myself. Can't wait to be in Oxford and celebrating with them. Get ready for picture overload on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. 

Be sure and find me with my buttons above! 

I've had a training at our county office for the past two days on CPI (a type of self-defense) for teachers. I've learned some awesome techniques and pray that I never have to use them but if I do, I'm trained! I'm pooped but excited for a great rest of the week.

Oh, I have to share my Goodwill purchase yesterday. I've been looking for a cute, cheap fur vest all season and finally found one that I liked. It's not full fur but for $2.99 I had to have it! :)


  1. Ohh em gee..I love that vest!! And super jealous of the price tag!

  2. Cuteness on the blog today! And I'm pretty sure that pup does need a modeling contract!

  3. i love shabby chic as a decor style!! it is definitely me and great goodwill find very cute on you!

  4. Oh my goodness $2.99?! Holy crap. Go you!! And good luck with grad school. I can't wait until its over!!! : )

  5. Love it all!!!

  6. Lauren, your dog is sooo cute! You should get her a contract :P


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