Weekend Smeechend.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Hello, dears! Hope you all had amazing weekends that you can't wait to tell about. My weekend was full of family time and relaxing just a tad. I've got a busy month of March coming up and I'm getting really excited about all of my adventures but also trying to rest a little before the time comes.

Friday night, our group had Bunco at my mother's house. Let me just tell you, this is one of my favorite times once a month! We have a great meal, we talk about important things and play the game to see who is going to win the awesome prizes that the host has picked out for us! 

and I got to meet my daddy's new work truck.
Meet "julopy". 
(My girls that I babysit named their daddy's truck that looked just like this "julopy" so in good nature, I stole the name.)

Saturday rolled around and after NOT getting to sleep late, I went to the nail salon with mama and then we went shopping with Mom. I found a few things that need to make it home with me...
I want the rabbit attachment for Easter and then I'm done. I'll have almost every holiday! We ate mexican and had a great time just looking around. 
and then...

I walked in one of my favorite stores and this little gem called my name and told me it wanted to go home with me. I can't say that my parents were thrilled but I think she's glad I listened to her. Is it weird that I'm talking about furniture talking to me? 
Does that make me crazy????
What do y'all think? I'm in love!

Then, Sat. night we went to see Safehaven and let me just say that it was totally worth the $8.50 we paid. I'm not a movie goer but I felt like this movie would be worth it and Boy, was it? Go. See. It.

I came home Saturday night and my Facebook feed was filled with Ashley+Paul's Wedding Pictures. Ley Elliot was their photographer and I love their sweet memories. It's such a sweet season in so many of my friend's lives and I couldn't be happier to share in it with them

Well, ladies.. that's my weekend. I've got to say my prayers and hit the hay. Hoping for a great school day tomorrow with my babies! Check back tomorrow for my favorite "tweets" from this past week.

See you then!


  1. Bunco is SO much fun! I absolutely love your new TV stand, it's so cute!

  2. bunco sounds awesome!! and I loved safe haven too. $8.50 is a good price for a movie we went the other night and it was $11!!!
    Helene in Between

  3. I just can't stop staring at your bookshelf/tv stand! How pretty, and I just love the color!
    Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend!


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