
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

 So, I'm currently sitting at school with absolutely no kids and figured.. why not blog? Maybe I shouldn't be admitting that but here goes. Other kiddos are packing up to go home and it's got me thinking about my circumstances. This time last year.. I was preparing for another year in 1st grade with my sweet firsties and dwelling on the possibility of a new assistant, new ideas, new students.

 Then, in November my world was rocked. And thank the good Lord above it was. I was called in to the office, given the news that I was the new K-SPED teacher and that was that. New adventure, new kids, new opportunity. 

Here I sit at the end of this crazy ride and I couldn't be happier. I was starting Graduate school in January and was planning on getting  my Masters in Special Education. God had other plans and luckily his grace is abundant in my life. He took me from my comfort zone and put me in the middle of the ocean and led me into the path that I am on now. 

I am now in Elementary Education for my Masters Degree and can't imagine being any where else. Isn't it wonderful that God uses circumstances to show us what's best for US.
I've enjoyed my year with my sweet babies and getting to love on them and I will NEVER regret getting my SPED endorsement. But, in the moment, Regular Education with some inclusion children trickled in is where my heart is at.

God's grace makes me happy and I love telling people that God has a plan throughout my whole changing process. Man. that's some good stuff.

With that being said, I am EXCITED to say that I am a new General Ed Kindergarten teacher for next year and with that comes a brand new excitement. :)

I am so excited to be with the same group of teachers (most of them) and can't wait to see who ends up in my class for me to love and teach. 

“Well and good if all things change, O Lord God, provided I am rooted in You.”
Juan de la Cruz


  1. So excited for you Lauren!! You will be a WONDERFUL gen ed K teacher!

  2. God is always sooo good. He works in even the smallest ways! =)

  3. That is so exciting!! I know you are thrilled! I can't wait to read all about it in the fall!!!!

  4. Do you have skype? viber? or wechat??? I would really like to talk to you asap! :) I could even chat on fb, but I have some questions for you! oh and btw, this is so exciting! so happy for you!


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