Friday's Love List.

Friday, July 26, 2013

The Magnolia Pair

I'm loving that I'm hosting a bunco party at my apartment on Saturday. Some sweet ladies from back home are coming to partay and then shop a while! Check back on Monday for a re-cap.

I'm loving that my classroom is coming along nicely. Here's a sneak peak and I can promise you'll be seeing more of this place. Keep up with my classroom and our projects at

(Yes, some of my letters in the alphabet are missing-- dumb heat)

I'm loving chevron anything. Like, I'm obsessed! I need to quit buying everything that I see.

1.) Lamp from Fred's Dollar Store- $9.95. Ah-maz-ing. 2.) Coaster- bought from those "lovely" facebook sales. 3.) Picture frame from Burlington 4.) Chevron Tray from TJMaxx.

I'm loving this.
(enough said)

See y'all Monday!


  1. I love the chevron stuff..too cute!

  2. I have to stop myself every time I see chevron or else I will own 1000 chevron accessories. I love the ones you found!


  3. how cute is your classroom! so adorable! must be so fun to get to do that at the end of the summer! :)


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