Friday's love list.

Friday, July 19, 2013

The Magnolia Pair

1.) This video had me in tears early this morning. How did I miss this story?

Isn't that precious? I just love football and kids and when they mix, how happy it makes ME!

2.) I'm loving that Honey Boo Boo came back to us this week. Even though, I forgot to watch I can't wait to catch up on the episode. Does that make me crazy??

3.) I'm loving the "back to school" shopping I did for my classroom yesterday. I can't wait to show you Ms. Patton's final touches.

4.) I'm loving that Bunco is at my apartment next weekend and I can't wait to entertain so many of my favorite ladies. Be prepared, there will be pictures and stories I am sure.

5.) love this promise. 

Elisabeth Elliot.


  1. Nice to meet another Mississippi educaor, though I have to say Hail State and Go Choctaws :) That fabric is so cute!


  2. i love that quote! Elisabeth Elliot is one of my favorite people ever!!


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