Weekend Shenanigans.- The Busy Life.

Monday, August 26, 2013

These past couple of weeks have been CRAZY.
I'm thankful that I am starting to get the hang of Kindergarten and that God is good and gives me the strength that I need every. single. day.

Hopefully I can get my groove on this week and get back to the blogging world! I've missed it!!

1.) Carlye was a beautiful bride! We've got a lot of fun memories and this day is one of my favorites with this girl!
2.) Hutch and Carlye are perfect for each other. Their ceremony was precious and reminded me all over again that God is good and blesses his children. He wants to make us happy!
3.) I got to see this girl, Claire! She was a bridesmaid and looked beautiful in her pretty, yellow dress. Is it bad that the teacher in me starting singing the Y-e-l-l-o-w song. :)
4.)  David Wise was there looking all spiffy.
5.) OH, the single girl flower toss. I love this moment! :) and NO, it wasn't mine for the win yesterday! 

6.) The Patton's are ready for some Ole Miss football. Thursday night it is. :)
7.) I loved my Target, Maxi skirt this morning for church. These things are the most comfortable!
8.) I had this pillow made for my apartment. I can't wait for it to be MINE. 
9.) Daddy bought a new toy and guess who got to ride today? I love being an outside, country girl SOMETIMES.... 

Hope y'all have had a wonderful weekend. This is my motto for the week.

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  1. What a fun weekend! Love that maxi skirt! I might need to make a trip to Target! Have a great weekend with the babies! I know they love you!

  2. I saw those Target shoes recently for reallllly cheap and didn't buy them... What was I thinking? Looks like a great weekend and I love the "stay positive" motto!

  3. question: what's better christmas or wedding season?! so many weddings these days.


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