Weekend Shenanigans.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Sami's Shenanigans

Hey ladies! Hope you have all had a FANTASTIC weekend. Mine has gone by way.too.fast but at least I have another one to look forward to. I love spending my weekends shopping and catching up with friends!

Friday night, I got to spend time with my friend Merle. :) I haven't seen her in a while and it was good to catch up and have a little mini yard sale in the back of my trunk! That's another story for another day but I've been in a "getting rid of stuff" mood lately and all of these Facebook sale pages are rocking my world! 

Yesterday was a FUN Sunday! 
1.) Harper came back to the haven with me! It's been a fun summer at Nonna and Grandaddy's house! She seems to be adjusting well. No worries, Nonna!
2.) I loved the walking Target ad that I was at church this morning! Pink polka dot dress and my favorite black/brown combo shoes. I love the dresses that I can mix with other patterns and colors to make it work.
3.) Had a little get-away trip with Lane last night to our favorite place, TARGET! Our Target had a lot of the cute summer shoes on clearance so GO, NOW!

Today begins my 1st day back of my 3rd year of teaching! Are you kidding me? I still feel like it's my first year all over again. This is my motto for this school year and I can't wait to meet my Kindergarten babies.
I'm really hoping to keep up with my classroom blog this year.

Happy Monday to you all! 


  1. what school are you at? I used to teach in Bartlett.

  2. Hope you have a wonderful new school year!

  3. I love those pink polka dots. Can't believe it's already August!

  4. my target had all their summer shoes on sale too! had to use so much restraint.


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