Deep Waters

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

“Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says, "I'll try again tomorrow.”

 OH, how true this little statement is. When I heard these words, I just shook my head back and forth many, many times. These days I find myself doubting a lot of things around me which in it's on way, is a good thing.

As a teacher, I feel that my kiddos love me and that we love them but that they aren't learning a DARN thing. Now.. I know deep down in my heart that they are much more prepared than when they walked into the school in August. But, still! Most days I leave the school utterly exhausted and already planning ahead for the next day. Can I get an "Amen" teachers?

Then, there's the single gal life. Now, let me say I adore this time that I'm given to be selfish, watch whatever I want on the television, eat Snickers at 10pm if that's what I want to do but I do miss the "Normal life" that I should be living.

My relationship with Christ is not as strong as it has been in the past and that is something that I desperately need to work on because of all the grace and blessings that he has given me. 
My savior has been so good to me, Y'all! 

I'm certain that my life is panning out exactly according to HIS plan and I can't wait to see what happens from here on out. When I feel discouraged and beaten down, I do better when I can pray about it, obviously and then call my Mama and friends! It always helps a girl out to talk about the problem and press on. I don't wallow in the problem but figure out a solution quick!

Courage in our ability to bloom where we are planted is a wonderful thing to acquire. I'm working on it daily and I know that it will all be okay in the long run.

I changed my Facebook status yesterday to my life motto these days:

 "Love life and life will love you back. Love people and they will love you back."

Over and out. 

Downtown, Color Run, and the highway.

Monday, October 28, 2013

This weekend has worn me out! Tired at school all day today=SUCCESSFUL weekend!

It all started on Friday when I got a text saying that my brother and B were coming to town and would stay with me. He hasn't been in a while and I was really excited that they were coming up! It's really cool to see how close we are now because for so many years, I couldn't stand that boy. Now.. of course I loved him but we fought all the time and so forth.

We went downtown and ate at Kooky Canuck  which was wonderful and then hit up Target on the way home. Afterwards, we went buck wild, went home got in our pjs and were in the bed before 12 am. It's a good thing we were because the next morning I did the Color Run with some teachers from school! 

If you have never participated in this, DO IT the next time it comes to your city. It was SO much fun! We walked the entire thing and it was very low key and not stressful at all. By the end, we were so pumped up and ready to dance at the finish line. That's where most of this color came from.. the Finish line partay.

We had a blast and the cleanup wasn't super awful! Saturday night was full of food, fun, church family, and a hayride!  And.. Ole Miss won! So happy for those boys! I just love this life..
Fall is the best time of the year!

Sami's Shenanigans

Weekend Shenanigans-- Oxford, MS Style

Monday, October 21, 2013

Oh, how I am missed this blog. Life-- SLOW DOWN!

It's Fall y'all and I can't wait for all of these fun adventures that are coming up. So, about this weekend... Lets recap.
//Friday night in Oxford=long waits at Ajax. But.. the food was totally worth the wait. We made nice with the waitresses and "because we were nice" (their words not mine) they seated us within 30 minutes.// Pottery shopping for Christmas.//LSU fan with his corndog in the Grove.. Typical.// Caitlyn and I cheering on our Rebs.//Love my co-workers and their talent.// Dr. Leslie, You is cute!//Brother and I "FINALLY" got to game it up together.// Bre Anna.. Sorry I almost yanked your hand off during our crazy game.//Harper is getting ready for Fall!

If you are an Ole Miss fan or just keep up with SEC football in general, our REBS won in the last .03 seconds of the game with a field goal. I don't know that I've ever screamed so much in my life. By the way, follow me on instagram (button on the side) and I documented lots from last night's game!

This week, I've got lots of to-do plans and hopefully they will get done so blogging can be a part of my life again! Check back, SOON! 

Engagement Party=Surprise!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

It's time for a weekend wrap up this close to another fun filled weekend. Let's go!

Last weekend, my friends Claire and Caitlyn came into town for an "Engagement Party" in downtown Memphis. We all met at my apartment and headed downtown in our fancy dresses and were ready for a good time! We parked downtown and started walking towards the Madison Hotel.. Oh my.. The sights were awesome. We were on the rooftop and I felt fancier than I ever have! 

We immediately started our ritual of taking pictures and hanging out with one another. Many of us had not seen each other since the last wedding (isn't that our season of life..) Let me share these jewels..

Caitlyn, Myself, and Claire. 
makes me miss those precious ICC days!
The engaged couple, and the friends!
The Madison was beautiful! The scenery was relaxing and the party was fun! I just love being near the river and seeing the bridge in the background. 
We were just standing around talking and catching up when the "party people" said that the couple had a video that they wanted us to watch. It was precious starting at the beginning of their relationship and then eventually getting to pictures recently in their relationship. I did notice that Amy and Evan were no-where to be found and I even mentioned "what if they are getting married tonight" but that thought was REAL until it happened.

This is when we all started laughing, saying "shut up!" and hitting each other! It was a perfect surprise and totally fit the couple to a tee. 

The ceremony was sweet, quick and to the point and then they were Mr. and Mrs. Goudy!
It was a precious, intimate wedding and I can't believe that they pulled off this surprise. I am so thankful that I was invited and was able to attend. They surprise a lot of people that night and it made our crazy time of trying to get to our car at the end of the party totally worth it.
Let's just say.. Parking Garages are not my forte. 

So happy for this sweet couple! 
Amy, We've come a long way since the ICC/Ole Miss days! I'm so thankful for your friendship and I can't wait to see how your life unfolds from here on out!
Enjoy married life, Friend! 

Engagement Party=Surprise!

It's time for a weekend wrap up this close to another fun filled weekend. Let's go!

Last weekend, my friends Claire and Caitlyn came into town for an "Engagement Party" in downtown Memphis. We all met at my apartment and headed downtown in our fancy dresses and were ready for a good time! We parked downtown and started walking towards the Madison Hotel.. Oh my.. The sights were awesome. We were on the rooftop and I felt fancier than I ever have! 

We immediately started our ritual of taking pictures and hanging out with one another. Many of us had not seen each other since the last wedding (isn't that our season of life..) Let me share these jewels..

Caitlyn, Myself, and Claire. 
makes me miss those precious ICC days!
The engaged couple, and the friends!
The Madison was beautiful! The scenery was relaxing and the party was fun! I just love being near the river and seeing the bridge in the background. 
We were just standing around talking and catching up when the "party people" said that the couple had a video that they wanted us to watch. It was precious starting at the beginning of their relationship and then eventually getting to pictures recently in their relationship. I did notice that Amy and Evan were no-where to be found and I even mentioned "what if they are getting married tonight" but that thought was REAL until it happened.

This is when we all started laughing, saying "shut up!" and hitting each other! It was a perfect surprise and totally fit the couple to a tee. 

The ceremony was sweet, quick and to the point and then they were Mr. and Mrs. Goudy!
It was a precious, intimate wedding and I can't believe that they pulled off this surprise. I am so thankful that I was invited and was able to attend. They surprise a lot of people that night and it made our crazy time of trying to get to our car at the end of the party totally worth it.
Let's just say.. Parking Garages are not my forte. 

So happy for this sweet couple! 
Amy, We've come a long way since the ICC/Ole Miss days! I'm so thankful for your friendship and I can't wait to see how your life unfolds from here on out!
Enjoy married life, Friend! 

Fall Bucket List

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Fall Bucket List

It's (almost) FALL and this chick is ready! I've already got my apartment loaded with goodies and my fall scented candles are ready to make their appearance! I've been racking Pinterest for cute ideas to pull out in my house and classroom and that led to making a Fall Bucket List.

I really hope this year brings lots of new memories for Fall and that I can share these memories with those around me. Time for a good list, shall we?

{1} Visit a Pumpkin Patch {2.} Drink a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks (Can you believe that this blogger has never had one?) {3} Roll at least one yard (Yes, I'm still a mean kid!) {4}Decorate plenty of pumpkins for my apartment. {5} Find a cute pair of Boot socks. (ruffles and all) {6} Plan some great activities for my classroom for FALL.

I'm sure there are plenty more that I am not remembering so if you have suggestions of things that HAVE to be done, send them my way!

Fall is one of my favorite seasons and I'm so thankful that God chooses to bless me with another October!

Happy Fall to Y'all!

Life as a Southern Girl.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Southern font love. Would be cute as a framed quote in the house.

As I drove home last weekend, it HIT me. I am so thankful to be a "Southern Belle" and to be raised in the South where family, tradition, the LORD, and all of these wonderful things are held to such high standards. I think its exactly why I am the person I am today.

Being Southern is a BLESSING in my life and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. (Please remind me of this next Summer when it is 150 degrees outside) Some of the things that I am so mindful of and so thankful to observe are: 1.) Sunday=The Lord's Day. Give him back a portion of the blessings that he gives you EVERYDAY. My Lord is a good God and I love Sundays where I can go to church and worship him for all that he IS. 2.) Football= A way of life. It's absolutely one of my favorite past times and my Rebels have my heart. Any of my friends/family will tell you that football is a deal breaker in relationships, can be the sole reason for fights between family members and can also determine what day weddings are on based on a home or away game.


Family is our number one priority and we all are raised to do whatever it takes to make our family happy. Today, as I drove home for a sweet church member's funeral, I thought about the dedication that this sweet lady had to her family. We all are to love, respect and help our family in the good times and the bad. I'm also thankful that in the South when there is a funeral that people pull over on the side of the road to show respect to families involved. I seriously get chill bumps when people are courteous  and show that they were raised right. 

Photo: Sweet family honoring Our Mom! She's our rock!

My grandmother is the perfect example of dedication to her family. This is my family, honoring her at her church on Sunday. 

God-- YOU hit the jackpot when you gave me my family! :)

It's almost Friday and that means family time in the HAVEN. Let's do it... :)

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