Downtown, Color Run, and the highway.

Monday, October 28, 2013

This weekend has worn me out! Tired at school all day today=SUCCESSFUL weekend!

It all started on Friday when I got a text saying that my brother and B were coming to town and would stay with me. He hasn't been in a while and I was really excited that they were coming up! It's really cool to see how close we are now because for so many years, I couldn't stand that boy. Now.. of course I loved him but we fought all the time and so forth.

We went downtown and ate at Kooky Canuck  which was wonderful and then hit up Target on the way home. Afterwards, we went buck wild, went home got in our pjs and were in the bed before 12 am. It's a good thing we were because the next morning I did the Color Run with some teachers from school! 

If you have never participated in this, DO IT the next time it comes to your city. It was SO much fun! We walked the entire thing and it was very low key and not stressful at all. By the end, we were so pumped up and ready to dance at the finish line. That's where most of this color came from.. the Finish line partay.

We had a blast and the cleanup wasn't super awful! Saturday night was full of food, fun, church family, and a hayride!  And.. Ole Miss won! So happy for those boys! I just love this life..
Fall is the best time of the year!

Sami's Shenanigans


  1. My wife and I did Color me Rad earlier this year. We ended up traveling 2 hours up the road as the local one sold out. I went as the photographer and got some really great shots of my wife and her friends. It is an awesome event for everyone as its not timed so its not intimidating. Glad you enjoyed it.

  2. I am so so jealous!!! I have been dying to do one of these, they look so fun!

  3. i have always wanted to do a color run. what a great weekend!

  4. Didn't you just love the color run?! I did a few months ago and loved it!

  5. i was supposed to do a color run this weekend too, but then didn't. cool story, i know.


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