Weekend Shenanigans-- Oxford, MS Style

Monday, October 21, 2013

Oh, how I am missed this blog. Life-- SLOW DOWN!

It's Fall y'all and I can't wait for all of these fun adventures that are coming up. So, about this weekend... Lets recap.
//Friday night in Oxford=long waits at Ajax. But.. the food was totally worth the wait. We made nice with the waitresses and "because we were nice" (their words not mine) they seated us within 30 minutes.// Pottery shopping for Christmas.//LSU fan with his corndog in the Grove.. Typical.// Caitlyn and I cheering on our Rebs.//Love my co-workers and their talent.// Dr. Leslie, You is cute!//Brother and I "FINALLY" got to game it up together.// Bre Anna.. Sorry I almost yanked your hand off during our crazy game.//Harper is getting ready for Fall!

If you are an Ole Miss fan or just keep up with SEC football in general, our REBS won in the last .03 seconds of the game with a field goal. I don't know that I've ever screamed so much in my life. By the way, follow me on instagram (button on the side) and I documented lots from last night's game!

This week, I've got lots of to-do plans and hopefully they will get done so blogging can be a part of my life again! Check back, SOON! 


  1. already christmas shopping?! consider me impressed.

  2. I did not get to watch the game but I kept up with it on Twitter the last few minutes!!

    SO SO SO SO SO SO SO EXCITED that they beat LSU. Take that, obnoxious fans. eek!!




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