Remembering 2013

Monday, December 23, 2013

Peach State of Mind

Here we go... I just love sharing my life with you!

Photo: Keep Calm and play Bunco! Thanks for coming to Southaven, Y'all!

I had a great time when my Bunco ladies came to Southaven! We had a great time and after, many of us went shopping. I love having people in my apartment and sharing my home with so many other people.

Photo: And... Harper is 4 today! She's had a mini party this morning! :)

Harper turned 4. This little lady is the sweetest thing!

Photo: Hello, class of 2007! Loved seeing these ladies!
A group of our high school girls celebrated Erika's wedding with a beautiful reception at the Oaks Country Club. I just loved re-connecting with these girls! High school days were some good days for us!
Photo: {Bye, bye gallbladder!}  @caitlynk02
Best say "buh bye" to her gallbladder! I'm so glad I went to see her before!
Photo: So happy for Hutch and Carlye! Y'all are so precious and I wish y'all the best! Thanks for letting me be a part of your day! #hailstatewedding

Carlye and Hutch got hitched! It was a beautiful day celebrating them even if it was covered in Mississippi State stuff. :)

Photo: Open House 2013 was a success! Welcome to Ms. Patton's room..✏

Our school had open house for the beginning of school! Twas my journey as a kindergarten teacher. It has been a joy so far!

Photo: //Bodock festival 2013//

I enjoyed Bodock Festival with my mama! Nothing like a small town feel to begin the Fall season. 

Photo: Ole' Ronaldo comes to Southaven. Seriously y'all.. The sweetest Man! #foundaChristmaspresent

Met Mr. Ronaldo, himself, again! He is such a great jewelry designing man!

Photo: Life was good in Oxford today!  2-0 BABY! #hottytoddy

Started off Football season right- In the Grove with my friends! The season had only begun!

My year has been one wild and fun crazy ride. I can't wait to finish it up soon! I love reading about your year in recap fashion too! Get busy people! :)

Remembering 2013.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Peach State of Mind

Let's keep going on the memory train for 2013, shall we?

My sweet Harper got attacked by a HUGE dog at my apartment. I'm still bitter. For the record, if your dog attacks another and SAID dog has to go to the vet, please pay the vet bill!

Photo: My day is made! Dexter McCluster, you were worth getting kicked off the field! Hotty toddy! @caitlynk02

I almost got kicked off the football field for this one, but Dexter.. You were worth it! Meet the Rebels was a great time and it heightened my excitement for the 2013 season!

Photo: Still going strong at Relay! In memory of all those who aren't with us! I'm relaying for my Grandaddy Howard and Grandmother Edna!               

I participated in Relay for Life with my sweet teacher friends from school! I relayed in memory of Grandma and Grandaddy Howard! It was such a neat experience and made me remember all the people that have lost their lives to cancer.

Photo: These teachers are jumping for joy that school is out!
These teachers were jumping for joy that it was summer! I just LOVE the last day of school!

Photo: Welcome to my new balcony! Visit anytime! My brother found that cute white shelf for me. :) #picstitch
I spent a day of summer to decorate my patio! I knew that hot summer days would be nice for spending out here! :)
Photo: The beach is my happy place! Love the salty air!

Hello, Paradise!!
Photo: Happy {wedding} celebration to Sam and Theresa! ❤ #pattoncousins
Our family celebrated Sam and Theresa's wedding celebration. So happy for them still and can't wait to see them Friday night for CHRISTMAS!

Lauren Patton
June 17
No sir.. We are not all fired up in the state of Mississippi.

I almost lost my life by cause of this Facebook status when State won in Omaha. I know a good rival when I see one!

Photo: Met Miss Sarah Kate today! I think her Aunt Shell might be a little crazy about her, too!
Met Miss Sarah Kate! She was the most precious thing!


Hello, family reunion time!

Will and Ashley got HITCHED!

Nick and Hannah got hitched! :)

Oh, this link-up makes me happy! People..... I am BLESSED!
So happy to share my memories with you!

It's Beginning to look a lot like CHRISTMAS!

Monday, December 16, 2013


Christmas is my FAVORITE time of the year! I have a love affair with red and green and the more glitter that there is, the faster my heart beats. It's seriously a problem! My mother has always been over the top with Christmas decor and I guess that's where my love for it comes!
Want to see?

Most of these decorations have been bought recently. I have so many ornaments on this 6ft. tree of mine that the branches are loaded down. Every ornament means something to me and I love pulling them out of the box every year and reminiscing. My friends and I swap ornaments a lot so that's always a neat thing to remember. 

One of my favorite ornaments on my tree is a handmade ornament that my Grandmother Patton made for my brother when he was little and I wasn't even thought of. Grandma Edna died when I was 4 and that's a part of her that I know that she touched and I have with me for the rest of my life. 

A few of my decorations came from thrift stores and as one of my favorite hobbies, that is special in my own way. I can't wait to see what I add to my collection in the years to come!

What is your favorite thing about Christmas? Decorations that you adore?

* Just for laughs! 

ModCloth Outfit

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I was contacted by Amy at ModCloth to participate in the Polyvore Outfit competition. I was given the staple piece (dress) and had to accessorize to make it a winning outfit.

Here is what I came up with. I can't wait to hear what people think about it.

It's almost Thursday, my friends!
ModCloth Outfithere she is! Hope i hear good things about it. 

I'm an Influenster.

Monday, December 9, 2013

When I started blogging I never knew what opportunities that it would bring to my life. I love being asked to write reviews for products, being able to get Christmas cards in the mail from people that I met online through blogging and getting to meet people who are from the same state/country as I am and getting to see their lives online.

Some people think it's weird and that is FINE with me! I love being able to be in 50 different states through blogpost and seeing how people are completely different than I am.

Now.. I am an influenster and that's a website/group that allows bloggers and social media fanatics the opportunity to review products for FREE. It's so much fun to get boxes in the mail and some new free products to enjoy to boot.

Items in my Box: 
Sally Hansen Triple Shine Nail Color- This color was a BEAUTIFUL color red and I can't wait to try it out--just in time for Christmas! This girl can NEVER have too many colors of nail polish.

Goody Athletique Hairband- Now, let it be said that I am not athletic by any means. I do love to take an occasional walk but I definitely need to get in the habit of working out/exercising every day! This will be perfect to put my hair up, out of my face and it has a comfort panel that makes it so soft while walking or running.  

Soy Joy- These little bars are the perfect size for a yummy snack. I'm not a big granola bar fan so these weren't wondeful to me but I think if you love a snack on the go, it's truly worth a shot. 

Goody Quikstyle Paddle Brush- What a cool idea! This brush has sponge-like features so that when you brush your hair after showering, the dry-time is faster. How genius! I will be using this daily to help cut down drying time for my hair.

Thanks influenster for letting my try more goodies that I am now a fan of! 
Keep these boxes coming! :)

Remembering 2013

Friday, December 6, 2013

Hello Friends! What a week it has been! Lots of sickness in my classroom and today was a 1/2 day because of snow, ice, etc. To say I am glad it is the weekend is an understatement. :)

I was browsing around on some other blogs and saw this link-up and knew it was meant to be. I HATE sitting down the week of New Years and making a blog post about all the fun memories that have taken place during the year. By the way, hopefully this New Years I will be in Nashville at a bowl game! #hottytoddy 

Peach State of Mind

I started a New Year in Biloxi with Sweet Emily and all of our girl friends for a bachelorette party! Oh, the memories! We had such a great trip! :)
Photo: Sweet friends
Ole Miss won our Bowl game in Birmingham. Go REBS!

Went to a gun range for the first time and LOVED it. Thanks Marla for taking me and showing me all the ropes of shooting a gun "safely".
Photo: Having a great birthday week! Marla J. Richardson-- your present will make my daddy proud! I might have a new hobby....

Started Grad School and had to learn how to be a student again!

Emily and Josh got hitched! It was definitely one of the most fun weddings I have ever been in. My record is getting to be pretty long too! :) These people will ALWAYS be two of my best friends!
 Photo: Such a beautiful, fantastic wedding weekend! So thankful for a sweet marriage! #Lawrencewedding
Little Maddie turned 1. I am so glad I got to watch her grow up! :)
Photo: Happy 1st birthday, Maddie! Ms. Lauren loves you!!

Ole Miss Basketball=SEC Champs! Such an exciting season.
Photo: These girls are yelling Hotty toddy! Can't wait for our boys to play tonight! ❤

I went on the most amazing trip to Washington, D.C. and New York with the best, Caitlyn and our mission was to see Emily and Josh in their new place! We had a great time catching up and exploring this awesome, awesome place! I can't wait to go back! Girls.. can we ride the Megabus again, please!!!
China Town, anyone?

Photo: DC

Celebrated Easter at church with my sweet grandmother, Mom

I can't wait to finish up this year recap with you! I LOVE life and I love to have fun and these memories make me smile- each and every one of them!

Hope y'all have a fabulous weekend and STAY WARM!

I could sleep for days.. Weekend Recap!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sami's Shenanigans

This Thanksgiving Break/Weekend has been fabulous! I seriously could sleep for days because we have spent every moment having fun and living our lives. :) I'm so thankful for a family that goes and does and likes to live life doing all sorts of things. This Thanksgiving Break was one for the books.

 Wednesday I started Thanksgiving Break with picking up a friend at the airport.// Traditional Family portrait on Thanksgiving// 2013 Egg Bowl is a bad memory in this girl's mind. I'm always a Rebel no matter what though!// RIP Alabama- That game rocked my night! It was crazy!// Sweet Haley's Engagement party// Faison made my sweet coffee happy. It's adorable!// Peter's Pottery Open House with the family! Love his art.//Now it's December and this girl is ready.

** A home Christmas Decoration tour is coming up SOON. 

I didn't post on Thanksgiving week because every minute was full but I am so thankful for all of my blessings. My family, friends, apartment, love of chicken, etc. are what makes me ME and I couldn't or wouldn't change anything if I could. God blesses me beyond and beyond what I deserve and I'm thankful each and every day. 

I'll be back soon!
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