Christmas is my FAVORITE time of the year! I have a love affair with red and green and the more glitter that there is, the faster my heart beats. It's seriously a problem! My mother has always been over the top with Christmas decor and I guess that's where my love for it comes!
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Most of these decorations have been bought recently. I have so many ornaments on this 6ft. tree of mine that the branches are loaded down. Every ornament means something to me and I love pulling them out of the box every year and reminiscing. My friends and I swap ornaments a lot so that's always a neat thing to remember.
One of my favorite ornaments on my tree is a handmade ornament that my Grandmother Patton made for my brother when he was little and I wasn't even thought of. Grandma Edna died when I was 4 and that's a part of her that I know that she touched and I have with me for the rest of my life.
A few of my decorations came from thrift stores and as one of my favorite hobbies, that is special in my own way. I can't wait to see what I add to my collection in the years to come!
What is your favorite thing about Christmas? Decorations that you adore?

* Just for laughs!
I love it all! I'm an over the top decorator too, but my mom wants it to be organized and I say "the more Christmas the better!" Merry Christmas lady!