I could sleep for days.. Weekend Recap!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sami's Shenanigans

This Thanksgiving Break/Weekend has been fabulous! I seriously could sleep for days because we have spent every moment having fun and living our lives. :) I'm so thankful for a family that goes and does and likes to live life doing all sorts of things. This Thanksgiving Break was one for the books.

 Wednesday I started Thanksgiving Break with picking up a friend at the airport.// Traditional Family portrait on Thanksgiving// 2013 Egg Bowl is a bad memory in this girl's mind. I'm always a Rebel no matter what though!// RIP Alabama- That game rocked my night! It was crazy!// Sweet Haley's Engagement party// Faison made my sweet coffee happy. It's adorable!// Peter's Pottery Open House with the family! Love his art.//Now it's December and this girl is ready.

** A home Christmas Decoration tour is coming up SOON. 

I didn't post on Thanksgiving week because every minute was full but I am so thankful for all of my blessings. My family, friends, apartment, love of chicken, etc. are what makes me ME and I couldn't or wouldn't change anything if I could. God blesses me beyond and beyond what I deserve and I'm thankful each and every day. 

I'll be back soon!


  1. I can't wait for the Christmas decorations!! And I love all of your pictures from Thanksgiving. That chevron cardigan is to die for :)

  2. Sounds like soooo much fun! What a perfect weekend!
    Can't wait to see your Christmas decor :)

  3. i could use the sleep too after the busy holiday!


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